Méo, Neisser and Marčič: Three champions on the mountain!

Ducati took on the challenge at Erzberg back in 2016 and achieved an impressive 4th place in the prologue in the twin-cylinder classification on the Ducati Multistrada 1200 Enduro. In 2023, Ducati returned to the Iron Mountain with a strong rider line-up and the brand new Ducati DesertX model. Antoine Méo, European Supercross Champion and four-time Enduro World Champion, and Patrick Neisser, three-time Enduro and ACC Champion, took on the mountain.

Both were extremely successful: Antoine dominated the prologue in the two-cylinder classification and took both race wins, while Patrick set the speed record and secured the Akrapovic Speed Challenge trophy.

In 2024, the successful team will be strengthened by another top athlete: Simon Marčič, Alpe Adria Enduro Champion and winner of the "Dakar Legend" title in 2024, will compete on the mountain for the first time with his DesertX in the two-cylinder classification.

Antoine Méo

Antoine Méo grew up on a small farm in the south of France and began to discover his passion for riding on two wheels at the age of 4. He then started his professional career at the age of 17 and quickly reached a first peak by winning the European Motocross Championship title. He then moved into enduro racing, where he won an impressive four world titles. His exceptional versatility was also evident in his successes in rally racing.

Since 2020, Antoine has been closely associated with Ducati, playing an instrumental role in the development of the Ducati DesertX. His work and extensive experience have contributed significantly to the high off-road capability of this model.


2002 European Supercross Champion 125 ccm

2009 International Six Days Enduro (ISDE) victory

2010 Enduro World Champion Class E1

2010 International Six Days Enduro (ISDE) victory

2011 Enduro World Champion Class E2

2012 Enduro World Champion Class E1

2013 Enduro World Champion Class E1

2016 Dakar Rally 7th place - 1 stage win

2018 Dakar Rally 4th place - 1 stage win

2023 Victory at the Erzberg Blakläder-Prolog (Twins)


My debut at the Erzberg was an extraordinary experience, even for me. The track, the atmosphere, the large number of riders and the fact that amateurs and world champions are taking on this extreme race make this event a unique experience. I will give everything to be victorious again with my Ducati.

Patrick Neisser

Patrick Neisser comes from the peaceful village of Söding in western Styria. From 2013 to 2017, he was extremely successful in both enduro and cross-country racing. Even huge starting fields, such as those found at the Erzbergrodeo, are nothing unusual for Patrick. In cross-country sport, a combination of motocross and enduro, there were up to 450 participants on a single weekend.

Patrick Neisser is very familiar with the "iron mountain" of the Erzbergrodeo. At the first prologue stage in 2017, he caused a surprise by setting the fastest time on the mountain and beating well-known favorites such as Young (RSA), Jarvis (UK), Walker (UK), Webb (USA), Haaker (USA), Lettenbichler (DE) and Bolt (UK).


2013 Vice European Cross Country Champion

2014 Enduro National Champion Open Class

2015 Vice European Cross Country Champion

2015 Styrian Enduro Champion

2015 Austrian Cross Country Champion

2017 Austrian Cross Country Champion

2017 Erzbergrodeo Prologue day victory

2023 Erzberg Akrapovic Speed Challenge victory


It fills me with great honor to have the opportunity to compete with Ducati Rosenberger and Ducati alongside Antoine on this extraordinary motorcycle in 2023. I can't wait to join Antoine and, for the first time, Simon in our team and once again prove Ducati's great performance in the off-road sector.

Simon Marčič

Simon Marčič is a born sportsman whose life has centered around sport from an early age. He finds joy and satisfaction in it. He began his career as a BMX and downhill MTB racer, and his passion for two wheels eventually led him to motorcycling - first to enduro and later to rallying. In 2014, he fulfilled his big dream and took part in the Dakar Rally for the first time. Since then, he has taken part in this legendary rally ten times and was awarded the title of "Dakar Legend" in 2024.

The "Original by Motul" category, in which he takes part, is a real test of driving skills and endurance, but also of manual dexterity, as the participants have no outside support and are left to their own strength.


2013 Alpe Adria Enduro Champion E1

2016 Alpe Adria Vice Champion Enduro E2

2016 Slovenian Vice Champion Enduro E2

2020 8th place in the Dakar series classification

2021 5th place in the Dakar series classification

2022 8th place in the Dakar series classification

2023 6th place in the Dakar series classification


I've done a lot of kilometers on the Ducati DesertX this year. Although I have ridden single-cylinder competition bikes for many years, I love the Ducati's handling, enormous stability, powerful engine and impressive traction. I'm looking forward to racing this bike at the Erzberg and thank Ducati for their great support. I think that this two-cylinder class, which is very close to production bikes suitable for everyday use, has a very promising future.

I am very pleased that Ducati is returning to the mountain in 2024. Everyone knows today that Ducati plays a leading role in road racing, but most people were surprised to see a Ducati at the top in off-road racing as well.

During their comeback last year, Méo and Neisser showed that they are real champions and can also handle two-cylinder bikes. Now the team has been strengthened by another top rider, and with their powerful sound they will thrill the visitors and perhaps once again stand at the top of the winners' podium...


FPV Drone Madness: Insane Red Bull Erzbergrodeo Mass Start from the Sky!

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When 1,500 dirtbike maniacs from all over the world make their way to a small, tranquil town in the heart of Europe to compete on their off-road motorcycles against a superior "mountain of iron," it's not about prize money, a high-dollar factory contract or a championship title. It is the myth of the Erzbergrodeo that has been attracting people from all over the world and from every professional and age group for more than 25 years. Professionals, amateurs, hobby riders, fans, kids and tough guys from almost 40 nations and all continents face a common opponent year after year: the "mountain of iron".

The riders who travel thousands of kilometers for four days of adrenaline can be guaranteed one thing: Strains, sweat and also disappointment. Because only a handful of them will reach the finish line and receive what is perhaps the most valuable trophy in the world of off-road sports - the rock trophy. It is not the rock itself that is valuable, but the knowledge that almost 99% of the riders did not make it.

Fans have to expect everything: merciless heat on the mountain, a lot of dust, thunderstorms, hail. In 2013, there was an incredible 25 centimeters of fresh snow even in June. It is not impossible that all these weather conditions will occur in a single weekend. So do not forget sunscreen, sturdy shoes and also rain gear!


...that of the 1,432 starters in 2015, only 5 riders finished the race.

...that the lowest dropout rate was recorded in 1999 (51 finishers out of 992).

...that 895,000 visitors and 35,000 athletes visited Erzberg during the 26 events.

...that 600 employees ensure that everything runs smoothly.

...that 200 rescue and executive forces ensure safety on site.

...that 6,000 boreholes are drilled into the mountain for course boundaries.

...that 20 km of barrier tape will be stretched and 5 km of barriers will be used.

...that mastermind Karl Katoch covered more than 450,000 kilometers for the organization.

...that the national media coverage reaches a circulation of 4.0 million.

...that the Red Bull Erzbergrodeo Facebook page has 206,000 fans.

...that the Red Bull Erzbergrodeo Instagram channel has 122,000 followers.

The dramaturgy on the mountain


Dramaturgically, the Erzbergrodeo resembles a top-class Hollywood thriller. First, 1,500 riders go to the start of the legendary Blaklader Iron Road Prologue. Full throttle against the mountain - on the selective gravel road to the summit, the wheat is already separated from the chaff on the first two race days, because only the fastest 500 riders qualify for the dignified and worldwide unique highlight of the sport: the Red Bull Erzbergrodeo.

The world's toughest off-road single-day race demands everything from the athletes - fitness, courage and riding technique decide between victory and defeat in this brutal competition. Mental strength is at least as important here as proper preparation of man and machine. The protagonists of this unique spectacle are the real soul of the event - and the main people responsible for the internationally high job and market value of the Red Bull Erzbergrodeo.



Admont Abbey, located on the edge of the Gesäuse National Park, is an impressive monastery complex with breathtaking Baroque architecture. It was founded in the 11th century and is the oldest still active Benedictine monastery in Styria. The monastery's library is world-renowned and houses over 200,000 books, making it the largest monastic library in the world. The magnificent library hall with its opulent ceiling frescoes is a true highlight. Admont Abbey also houses the Benedictine Abbey Museum, which displays an extensive collection of sacred art and religious artifacts.

[39,9 KM]


Das Stift Admont, am Rande des Nationalparks Gesäuse gelegen, ist eine beeindruckende Klosteranlage mit atemberaubender barocker Architektur. Es wurde im 11. Jahrhundert gegründet und ist das älteste noch aktive Benediktinerkloster der Steiermark. Die Bibliothek des Stifts ist weltbekannt und beherbergt über 200.000 Bücher, was sie zur größten Klosterbibliothek der Welt macht. Der prachtvolle Bibliothekssaal mit seinen opulenten Deckenfresken ist ein wahrer Höhepunkt. Das Stift Admont beherbergt zudem das Benediktinerstiftsmuseum, in dem eine umfangreiche Sammlung sakraler Kunst und religiöser Artefakte ausgestellt ist.

[39,9 KM]


The Erzberg railway is a historic narrow-gauge railroad that runs from Vordernberg over the impressive Erzberg mountain to Hieflau. It was built in the late 19th century to enable the transport of iron ore from the mines at Erzberg. The Erzberg Railway is a remarkable engineering masterpiece, as it had to cope with challenging inclines and tight curves. A ride on this railroad not only offers a picturesque view, but also provides an insight into the fascinating railroad history of this region.

[15,8 KM]


Die Erzbergbahn ist eine historische Schmalspurbahn, die von Vordernberg über den beeindruckenden Erzberg bis nach Hieflau führt. Sie wurde im späten 19. Jahrhundert errichtet, um den Transport von Eisenerz aus den Bergwerken am Erzberg zu ermöglichen. Die Erzbergbahn ist ein bemerkenswertes technisches Meisterwerk, da sie mit herausfordernden Steigungen und engen Kurven zurechtkommen musste. Eine Fahrt mit dieser Bahn bietet nicht nur eine malerische Aussicht, sondern gewährt auch einen Einblick in die faszinierende Eisenbahngeschichte dieser Region.

[15,8 KM]


Grüblsee is an idyllic mountain lake surrounded by a breathtaking natural landscape. The lake is surrounded by green forests and majestic mountains and offers a quiet and relaxing atmosphere for visitors and invites you to hike, picnic and relax. Visitors can also enjoy an excellent snack at the Alpenaquarium Grüblsee snack station and diving school. For those who want to experience the underwater world in the clear mountain lake water, diving courses are also offered at various levels.

[5,9 KM]


Der Grüblsee ist ein idyllischer Bergsee, der von einer atemberaubenden Naturlandschaft umgeben ist. Der See liegt inmitten von grünen Wäldern und majestätischen Bergen und bietet eine ruhige und entspannende Atmosphäre für Besucher und lädt zum Wandern, Picknicken und Entspannen ein. In der Jausenstation und Tauchschule Alpenaquarium Grüblsee können Besucher zudem eine hervorragende Jause genießen. Für diejenigen, die die Unterwasserwelt im klaren Bergseewasser erleben möchten, werden auch Tauchkurse auf verschiedenen Levels angeboten.

[5,9 KM]


The Leopoldsteinersee is a picturesque mountain lake not far from the Leopoldstein Castle, a historic castle complex perched on a rocky outcrop near Eisenerz. Nestled in an impressive natural landscape of steep mountains and dense forests, it is known for its crystal clear turquoise waters fed by the surrounding mountains. The lake has a maximum depth of about 28 meters and offers visitors the opportunity to swim, dive and boat. There is also a small sandy beach for sunbathing and relaxing.

[6,2 KM]


Das Stift Admont, am Rande des Nationalparks Gesäuse gelegen, ist eine beeindruckende Klosteranlage mit atemberaubender barocker Architektur. Es wurde im 11. Jahrhundert gegründet und ist das älteste noch aktive Benediktinerkloster der Steiermark. Die Bibliothek des Stifts ist weltbekannt und beherbergt über 200.000 Bücher, was sie zur größten Klosterbibliothek der Welt macht. Der prachtvolle Bibliothekssaal mit seinen opulenten Deckenfresken ist ein wahrer Höhepunkt. Das Stift Admont beherbergt zudem das Benediktinerstiftsmuseum, in dem eine umfangreiche Sammlung sakraler Kunst und religiöser Artefakte ausgestellt ist.

[39,9 KM]


The Gesäuse National Park is the oldest national park in Austria and offers 110 square kilometers of breathtaking mountain scenery with steep gorges, wild rivers and pristine forests. Here visitors can enjoy hiking, climbing, rafting and other outdoor activities. The flora and fauna in Gesäuse National Park is diverse and unique. There are rare plant species, such as the gentian, and a wide variety of animal species, including golden eagles, chamois, deer and marmots.

[31,2 KM]


Die Erzbergbahn ist eine historische Schmalspurbahn, die von Vordernberg über den beeindruckenden Erzberg bis nach Hieflau führt. Sie wurde im späten 19. Jahrhundert errichtet, um den Transport von Eisenerz aus den Bergwerken am Erzberg zu ermöglichen. Die Erzbergbahn ist ein bemerkenswertes technisches Meisterwerk, da sie mit herausfordernden Steigungen und engen Kurven zurechtkommen musste. Eine Fahrt mit dieser Bahn bietet nicht nur eine malerische Aussicht, sondern gewährt auch einen Einblick in die faszinierende Eisenbahngeschichte dieser Region.

[15,8 KM]


At the animal experience park Mautern, visitors can experience a variety of animals up close. In addition to native species such as deer, wild boar, mouflon, lynx, bears and birds, there are also more exotic residents such as zebras, kangaroos, alpacas and llamas. For children there are special activities such as pony rides and a petting zoo where they can interact with animals such as goats and rabbits.

[43,4 KM]


Der Grüblsee ist ein idyllischer Bergsee, der von einer atemberaubenden Naturlandschaft umgeben ist. Der See liegt inmitten von grünen Wäldern und majestätischen Bergen und bietet eine ruhige und entspannende Atmosphäre für Besucher und lädt zum Wandern, Picknicken und Entspannen ein. In der Jausenstation und Tauchschule Alpenaquarium Grüblsee können Besucher zudem eine hervorragende Jause genießen. Für diejenigen, die die Unterwasserwelt im klaren Bergseewasser erleben möchten, werden auch Tauchkurse auf verschiedenen Levels angeboten.

[5,9 KM]


A visit to the source of Austria's most famous beer will not only please beer connoisseurs: The Gösser Brewery Museum provides interesting facts about beer, brewing and Gösser in particular. At the brewing site with over a thousand years of history, beer is brewed today as it was back then - with passion, enjoyment and a high demand for quality. There are also guided tours of the brewery, where visitors can learn about the history of brewing and taste different types of beer.

[32,3 KM]


Ein Besuch an der Quelle von Österreichs bekanntesten Bier wird nicht nur Biergenießer erfreuen: Das Gösser Braumuseum vermittelt Wissenswertes rund um Bier, das Brauen und Gösser im Speziellen. An der Braustätte mit über tausendjähriger Geschichte wird heute wie damals Bier gebraut – mit Leidenschaft, Genuss und einem hohen Qualitätsanspruch. Es gibt auch Führungen durch die Brauerei, bei denen Besucher die Geschichte des Brauens erfahren und verschiedene Biersorten probieren können.

[32,3 KM]


The Asia Spa in Leoben is a modern wellness and recreation center that offers its visitors a variety of relaxation and recreation options. The spa combines Asian elements with Western standards to create a harmonious atmosphere of tranquility and renewal. There are experience showers, thermal water pools, relaxation areas and a spacious outdoor area with a beautiful garden where you can enjoy nature, massages, yoga, Pilates, a restaurant serving healthy and balanced dishes...

[32,2 KM]


Das Asia Spa in Leoben ist ein modernes Wellness- und Erholungszentrum, das seinen Besuchern eine Vielzahl von Entspannungs- und Erholungsmöglichkeiten bietet. Das Spa kombiniert asiatische Elemente mit westlichen Standards und schafft so eine harmonische Atmosphäre der Ruhe und Erneuerung. Es gibt Erlebnisduschen, Thermalwasserbecken, Ruhebereiche und einen weitläufigen Außenbereich mit einem schönen Garten, in dem man die Natur genießen kann, Massagen, Yoga, Pilates, ein Restaurant, in dem gesunde und ausgewogene Gerichte serviert werden…

[32,2 KM]


The Radwerk IV Blast Furnace Museum in Vordernberg is an interesting destination for those interested in history and industry, as it is the only charcoal blast furnace in the world that has been preserved in its entirety and offers a very good insight into iron smelting and the region's industrial past. Visitors have the opportunity to explore the original blast furnace facilities, production halls and other industrial equipment. There are informative exhibitions, models and interactive presentations that illustrate working conditions and the production process.

[13,7 KM]


Das Hochofenmuseum Radwerk IV in Vordernberg ist ein interessantes Ziel für Geschichts- und Industrieinteressierte, da es der einzige in seiner Gesamtheit erhaltene Holzkohlehochofen der Welt ist und einen sehr guten Einblick in die Eisenverhüttung und die industrielle Vergangenheit der Region bietet. Besucher haben die Möglichkeit, die originalen Hochofenanlagen, die Produktionshallen und andere industrielle Einrichtungen zu erkunden. Es gibt informative Ausstellungen, Modelle und interaktive Präsentationen, die die Arbeitsbedingungen und den Produktionsprozess veranschaulichen.

[13,7 KM]


The parish church of St. Oswald, popularly known as Oswaldi kirche, was built in the 15th and 16th centuries in late Gothic style and, together with the Tabor complex surrounding it, is the largest and most important fortified church complex in Styria and one of the few completely preserved in Austria. As such, it is recently also referred to as the fortified church of St. Oswald. Together with the Schichtturm and the Erzberg, the Oswaldi Church, a real architectural jewel, is one of the landmarks that most strongly characterizes the Eisenerz townscape.

[1,2 KM]


Die Pfarrkirche St. Oswald, im Volksmund Oswaldikirche genannt, wurde im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert im spätgotischen Stil erbaut und ist mit der sie umschließenden Taboranlage die größte und bedeutendste Wehrkirchenanlage der Steiermark und eine der wenigen vollständig erhaltenen Österreichs. Als solche wird sie neuerdings auch als Kirchenburg St. Oswald bezeichnet. Gemeinsam mit dem Schichtturm und dem Erzberg gehört die Oswaldikirche, ein echtes architektonisches Juwel, zu den das Eisenerzer Stadtbild am stärksten prägenden Wahrzeichen.

[1,2 KM]


Leoben is a charming city in Styria. It is located on the river Mur and is surrounded by picturesque mountains. The city has a rich history dating back to the Middle Ages and skillfully combines tradition with modernity. The cityscape of Leoben is characterized by a mixture of historical architecture and modern buildings. The main square, also known as the "main square of Upper Styria", is the vibrant center of the city. Here you will find lovingly restored buildings, cafés, restaurants and stores that invite you to stroll and linger. Leoben is also known for its educational institutions, especially the University of Leoben, which is a leading technical university in Austria.

[31,7 KM]


Leoben ist eine charmante Stadt in der Steiermark. Sie liegt an der Mur und ist von malerischen Bergen umgeben. Die Stadt hat eine reiche Geschichte, die bis in das Mittelalter zurückreicht, und verbindet gekonnt Tradition mit Moderne. Das Stadtbild von Leoben ist geprägt von einer Mischung aus historischer Architektur und modernen Gebäuden. Der Hauptplatz, auch bekannt als "Hauptplatz der Obersteiermark", ist das pulsierende Zentrum der Stadt. Hier finden sich liebevoll restaurierte Gebäude, Cafés, Restaurants und Geschäfte, die zum Bummeln und Verweilen einladen. Leoben ist auch bekannt für seine Bildungseinrichtungen, insbesondere die Montanuniversität Leoben, die eine führende technische Universität in Österreich ist.

[31,7 KM]